Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our Best Stories of 2006

Happy New Year from John and Ching! Here are the funniest and most fun things we did in 2006... click on the link to see the full story.

Kawarau Bridge Bungy Jump in Queenstown1. Our Bungy Jump

"You booked the tandem one?" asked the lady at the AJ Hackett Bungy counter. "You're crazy."

Fox Glacier Heli-Hike2. Fox Glacier Heli-Hike

Fox Glacier Heli-Hikes are billed as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. That’s partly because after paying our tab we were too broke to consider a second go. Kidding aside, the glacier was amazing.

Scary bed and breakfast in New Zealand3. Our Scary Bed and Breakfast Stay

There was a huge closet in the bedroom. It was large enough to hold a person and I was afraid to open it for fear that it did.

Pirates FC Singapore4. Capoeira, Football, and the Standard Chartered Marathon

We did a lot of sports this year - Ching sparred with Brazilian guys on the sidewalk on Orchard Road (imagine that), while John played football with Pirates FC and finished the 42K Standard Chartered Marathon for the second year in a row... despite swearing after last year's marathon that he'd never do it again.

5. Trekking Toa Payoh

Yes, I know... suburban Singapore isn't exactly the height of death-defying adventure. But given the scarcity of mountain peaks and ocean depths within walking distance from our apartment, beggars can't be choosers :)

Many more stories and a ton of pictures are up on my blog at

May you all have a great 2007! Keep in touch!


Ching and John

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At January 16, 2007 9:31 AM, Blogger mac.n.tux said...

hey Ching! Nice to hear from you. Glad that you guys are having a grand time in Singapore. :) I have a friend there in SG working for Citibank. He's new, maybe you two can hook up with him - more friends won't hurt him.

At January 16, 2007 10:32 PM, Blogger C said...

Hi Rommel! Great to hear back from you on LinkedIn...

Sige, send us your friend's name and his contact info! There's a large (and rapidly growing) Pinoy community here with a lot of people working at Citibank.

John started a Pinoy soccer club that plays on Saturday afternoons at 4 pm -- fun games lang, many of the players never tried soccer before they got here. They're always looking for players in case your friend wants to give it a try!


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